Hi everybody, its now the 7th of december..
Its been a fun couple of weeks for a 20 year old what with all the riots and that...I chose against the university path but cant help getting excited about all this commotion - BECAUSE - It mirrors the same political unrest that was around the country during the recession that brought us The Clash and Punk...The country has no clear leader, us youth have been screwed by generations previous and people have finally decided to come together and have a voice in spite of the view that people dont give a shit about politics...That was strummer's vibe - 'light a fire and bring everyone together'...
ANyway enough about the riots as they seem to be getting nearly as much airtime as x factor..
So im currently living on a sofa in a house with 3 girls - Yesterday we sat down and divised a system to ensure that the current state of harmony in the house can be maintained...
we came up with a list of GOOD and BAD...you get a gold star for good - black dot for bad... if i get 5 gold stars i get to play the playstation or watch ufc or watch football or they can cook for me....you get the jist..
So my score after one night is 2 gold stars 3 black dots....
first 2 black dots for being sexist 1 black dot for bullying alice
1 gold star for leaving the house and another gold star for cooking everyone dinner...
BRETON have been working on a remix...we heard the first draft and loved it - its off the wall glitchro .... only way to describe it at the moment x
This month ive also seen these bands and they were all well good
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